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GPS coordinates
  • - gradi - decimal
  • N: 41° 93736 | E: 16° 00511
  • - gradi - minuts - seconds
  • N: 41° 56' 14" | E: 16° 00' 18"
  • - gradi - minuts - seconds
  • N: 41° 56' 237 | E: 16° 00' 311

How to reach the Hotel Orchidea in Peschici

By Train

The Main train stations are Foggia and San Severo. Both are well linked to reach Peschici by bus or train.
Ferrovie dello Stato tel. 89.20.21
Ferrovie del Gargano tel. 0882 221414

By Plane

The closer airports are: Gino Lisa (Foggia), Palese (Bari), Capodichino (Napoli) and Pescara

Aeroporto Gino Lisa (Foggia) tel. 0881 650539
Aeroporto Palese (Bari) tel. 080 5835200
Aeroporto Capodichino (Napoli) tel. 848.888777
Aeroporto Internazionale d’Abruzzo (Pescara) tel. 899.130.310

By Bus

The main buses leave from the most important cities such as: Rome, Naples, Pescara, Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Turin, Venice, Modena, Parma, Padova, Milan.

Ferrovie del Gargano tel. 0882 221414

By Car

By riding the A14 (Bologna-Bari), the exit to reach Peschici is the one of Poggio Imperiale, than a stretch of highway up to Vico del Gargano, then go on towards Peschici.

By riding the A16 (Naples-Bari), the Gargano can be reached from the exit of Candela, then you must ride the highway up to Foggia (for about 20 minutes), than take the highway A14 and exit at Poggio Imperiale; go on towards Peschici.

Società Autostrade tel. 892525

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